
Galbani Mozzarella and Pepperoni Piccante Pizza

Galbani Mozzarella and Pepperoni Piccante Pizza - Galbani

Preheat the oven to to 240°C/220°C fan. Put the peppers into a roasting tin and roast for 15-20 minutes, turning until the skins char. Put in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave to cool. Peel off the skins and discard the membrane and seeds. Cut the peppers into small chunks.

Season the chopped tomatoes with salt and pepper. Lay the pizza bases on baking paper then smooth the chopped tomatoes over the bases with the back of a spoon. Add the peppers, salami, Galbani Mozzarella Maxi and basil leaves.

Bake the pizzas according to your pizza base instructions, until the bases are cooked and the cheese starts to bubble. Then serve.


The spicy Salami and sweet red peppers compliment the fresh Galbani Mozzarella Maxi.

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